목록금융/파이코인(en) (12)
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N O T I C E If you have not completed the previous steps in the mainnet checklist, please refer to this link first. ↓ https://novaframe.tistory.com/136 - STEP.1 https://novaframe.tistory.com/137 - STEP.2 https://novaframe.tistory.com/138 - STEP.3 "Lockup" is a policy of the core team that prevents buying and selling of Pi for a certain period of time after completing both the mainnet checklist a..
This step can only be done by creating a Pi wallet in STEP.2. If you have not yet created a Pi wallet, please refer to the previous post to create a Pi wallet first. ↓ Pi Network's mainnet checklist management STEP.2: Create a Pi Wallet N O T I C E If you have not completed the previous steps in the mainnet checklist, please refer to this link first. ↓ Pi Network's mainnet checklist management S..
N O T I C E If you have not completed the previous steps in the mainnet checklist, please refer to this link first. ↓ Pi Network's mainnet checklist management STEP.1: Pi Browser install From this post, I will write in detail about the elements that must be completed for KYC application on Pi Network. This is mandatory for all Pi users, as Pi KYC must be completed in order to claim.. novaframe.t..
From this post, I will write in detail about the elements that must be completed for KYC application on Pi Network. This is mandatory for all Pi users, as Pi KYC must be completed in order to claim any Pi acquired so far. As of July 2022, the total number of active users on the Pi Network is approximately 40 million, but it is estimated that fewer than 2 million of them have successfully complet..
Let's celebrate! On Dec 28, 2021, the Pi Network finally entered the mainnet for the first time. As explained in the previous posts, the mainnet of the Pi Network is divided into two phases: a “enclosed network” and an “open network”, and now the first step of the enclosed network has begun. This method is unique to the Pi Network, and the open network stage expressed by the core team in the fut..
Since its launch, the Pi Network has maintained a roadmap of “entering the mainnet during the 4Q of 2021”. Arguably, the mainnet entry issue is the most important news not only for the pi network but also for each virtual currency, and this is an important issue that cannot be compared with a simple exchange listing. This is the official response from the S.Korea channel moderator in the chat ro..
This news means that it is just before the Pi Network's mainnet entry. This is technically significant news, and those who are already members of the Pi Network will be delighted. If you haven't started the Pi Network yet, we recommend that you take this news seriously and make a choice you won't regret now. To briefly explain the content of the news, it is that "a step forward from being able t..
[ 1. press release ] Recently, there have been two reports about the introduction of cryptocurrency by Amazon. On July 23, 2021, it was reported by "CoinDesk", one of the media specialized in cryptocurrency. This is "Amazon is hiring blockchain team employees with experience in the field of DeFi systems and blockchain". And two days later, on July 25, 2021, an article was published in "City AM",..
This is one of the most frequently asked questions by people who want to join the Pi Network. "What is the best invitation code?" For this, first you need to know what an invitation code is. New Pi Network users must enter someone else's invitation code at the end of the signup process. If you do not know how to sign up, please refer to this link. Pi Network - Complete instructions on how to sig..
On June 09, 2021, the Pi Network made another announcement. This time, the technical principles such as how pi can get pi without consuming the resources of mobile and how to develop it well. This content may be boring or unfamiliar. Those who have simply continued mining after joining the Pi Network may not be aware of these details, but those who have done research through various searches wil..