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Pi Network - What is the best invitation code? 본문


Pi Network - What is the best invitation code?

kingsnet 2021. 6. 20. 01:48

pi network title image

This is one of the most frequently asked questions by people who want to join the Pi Network. 


"What is the best invitation code?"


For this, first you need to know what an invitation code is. 

New Pi Network users must enter someone else's invitation code at the end of the signup process. If you do not know how to sign up, please refer to this link.


Pi Network - Complete instructions on how to sign up

This page fully explains how to join the Pi Network. Therefore, the basic explanation of this coin is not provided, and if you are curious about this, please go to the link below. The king of mobil..

[ 1. invitation code on the Pi Network ]

my invitation code
If you would like to enter my invitation code, please enter  kingsnet2 .

If you enter someone else’s invitation code when signing up for the first time, you start by getting 1Pi.


If you want to join the Pi Network, you will go through the steps to create your username. The username you create at this time us your nickname, but it’s also your invitation code. In other words, this username will bee used when you invite someone in the future.


If you enter someone else’s invitation code, that person increases the amount of Pi mined per hour because of you.


■  If you recruit someone using your username, the mining bonus you get for each recruited increases.

If you don’t check the mining button, your Pi doesn’t go up at all until you check it again. This means that no matter how many members you have, you won’t get any bonuses at all.


■ If any of your members is off-mining, you will not be able to receive bonuses from that member until that member starts mining again.


Like this, invitation codes are advertised by many people because they are only used for hourly mining bonuses.


Sometimes there are people who lie, "You have to join a team with many members to speed up your mining." Don't be fooled by this. Whatever invitation code you enter, your basic mining speed is the same. If you want to speed up your mining, the only way is to recruit more members yourself. 

[ 2. How to choose a good invitation code ]

The main point is to choose an invitation code from someone who is likely to continue diligently until the end without stopping mining. 

my pi earning team users
As of June 20, 2021, I have a team of 309 people.

I will list the best invitation codes to use in order.

  1. A close and trusted person, such as a family member or relative.
  2. Those who have already completed KYC verification.
  3. YouTuber or blogger with a large number of members.

If the person who invited you stops mining, your mining speed bonus for this person will disappear. Also, if the person who invited does not pass KYC verification later, the bonus will disappear. Simply put, it is to choose someone who can diligently continue mining and pass KYC certification later.


In that respect, the family is probably the most reliable first choice. If someone in your family has already joined the Pi Network, use that person's invitation code. If not, you need to find someone who has already completed KYC verification, which is not easy. This is because the authentication opportunity is still only available to very few users, and there may be someone who deceives you. There are cases where they lie even though they have not received KYC certification.


So, the next best thing is to find a YouTuber or blogger or someone like me who has a lot of users.

I'm not a YouTuber, but I currently have over 300 users, and it keeps growing. There are many people who have recruited more users than me, so you don't have to use my invite code, but I want talk to you something.


It is “The larger the earnings team, the less likely its owner (=invitor) to give up mining”. Again, choose "who will not give up" That's important. 


[ If you would like to enter my invitation code, please enter kingsnet2. ]
